IT Plaza, Kamaladi, Kathmandu

What We Do

Himalayan Capital provides all the financial services permissible under the prevailing Merchant Banker Regulations of Nepal,namely Securities Management (Issue, Underwriting, and Registrar), Investment and Portfolio Management, and Advisory. We believe in customer satisfaction through service excellence and endeavor on providing the best solutions that include but are not limited to:
  1. Helping raise fresh capital to finance a new business venture or the expansion of an existing one through IPOs, FPOs, Bonds, Debentures, and Private Placement among other available avenues that best suits the clients’ specific requirements.
  2. Mitigating risks for Capital Acquisition through the identification and implementation of appropriate risk hedging mechanisms.
  3. Minimizing Risks and Maximizing Returns on Investments through Management of clients’ Investment portfolio either directly or in advisory.
  4. Advisory in managing clients’ existing business or transforming Ideas into structured business plans.
  5. Diligent Management of clients’ Assets Portfolio, and
  6. Other relevant financial management services.

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